Ardara Health Centre

Important Announcement

After 29 years as a GP in Ardara, it is with a heavy heart that I have handed my resignation to the HSE, my employer. For years I have highlighted to the HSE the looming manpower crisis that single handed rural GPs are facing, while also proposing practical solutions to these problems. Schemes introduced in recent years by the HSE aimed at improving patient care although highly successful have put huge additional demands on any single-handed GP practice. In the past 2 years at Ardara Health Centre the post of GP Assistant, GP Partner and my post as Principal GP has been offered to 11 individuals (nationally and internationally), all showing genuine interest in the practice but unwilling to accept the demands of a single-handed Rural GP practice. In the past 5 years there have been 2 occasions when I found I just could not continue without having a period away from work for my own well-being. On these occasions it was left to me to provide my own cover. I relied on agency Locum Doctors to run the practice. This is a short-term solution to the problem and was found unsustainable for the practice. I have exhausted all possible avenues to ensure a successor in my position as GP in Ardara, this matter is now in the hands of the HSE. Myself and my staff at Ardara Health Centre have no information on the procedure for appointing a new GP for Ardara. I would like to thank my wonderful staff; nurses Carol and Breda, and secretaries Karen, Joyce and Amanda, for their enthusiasm, commitment, work ethic and friendship over the years. I want to thank the Public Health Nurse Lorraine and all the community care team for their wonderful work. It has been a particular pleasure to finish my career working with Dr Cape, an outstanding GP. Thanks to my husband John for all his work behind the scenes. Thank you also to Kellys pharmacy and to all the local GPs who have helped out at the practice over the years. And most importantly I would like to thank you, my patients.

Dr Mireille Sweeney